The Canadian Rockies – 3

The unexpected snowfall on the day I arrived in Jasper had not just taken everybody by surprise but also made it that much more difficult for me to find things to fill in my itinerary. I wanted to go on the hard hikes for the breathtaking views but that was not a possibility anymore. …

Alaska: Denali National Park

 “What’s one thing that Texas has that Alaska does not? Texans!” The captain on our flight went on a flurry of brag jokes like this one once we touched down in Anchorage, the state’s largest city. He did not forget to mention that Alaska is indeed twice the size of Texas and has a …

Winter in Niagara

 While telling people that I am moving to the USA for my Master’s, most seemed genuinely happy that it was to California, a state with nice weather throughout the year. It is just like Bangalore, one of my professors had said, taking away some sheen from my adventure that was to be. Although the …

The City of Love

 As much as I love being in the woods, hiking, putting myself through hours of physical exertion to be rewarded with breathtaking views, I daresay I am intrigued by history, culture and beautiful buildings. Europe boasts of every one of these and I only had a taste of it while visiting London and Wales …

A weekend in Barcelona

 Catalonia is a region in the northeastern area of Spain, vying for independence since the last couple of centuries, revolting the imposition of Spanish language and laws on the Catalans who take pride in their language and culture. It was designated an autonomous community when Spain became a republic. The beautiful city of Barcelona …

Peru: Machu Picchu

The two-day Inca trail is probably the most expensive thing I have done on any trip. I would have loved to do the “classic” four-day trek (following the path that the Incas took), but it is much more popular and gets sold out almost a year in advance. In the wee hours of the …

Peru: Sacred Valley

 As a botanist’s daughter, the number of times I heard the word ‘biodiversity’ while growing up is probably what led to my fascination with South America, home to the Amazon rainforest. In the recent years, watching David Attenborough’s shows has only intensified my thirst for nature. A trip down there to experience the forest …

Wilderness beckons

Once in a while, it is good to take a look back, remember all those who were part of this incredible journey that is life and recollect the times spent together. Sometimes, all we can do is remember. Sometimes, we are fortunate enough to recreate those times with the very same people. After some …

The windy city

A city famed for its architecture, infamous for its crime rate; a city that lures millions of visitors every year in spite of the dreaded winters. I was going to spend thanksgiving last year in Chicago with a friend. My preparation started weeks in advance, reading up about how harsh the cold could be …

A bite of the big Apple

If you have watched a handful of Hollywood movies, chances are at least one of those was shot in New York, having characters either living flamboyant lifestyles dressed in fashionable, classy clothing, or, on the other extreme, living in a closet of some apartment because they cannot afford the rent, pursuing their dreams to …

The wild wild west

During one of the initial months of my stay in the US, I had ventured to learn the names of all the fifty states because I thought I owe this country at least that much if I am here for a while. Though I have since forgotten the names of many of them, I …